Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hillary's bluff is being called

Further to the last post about delegate numbers, it looks like another swathe of supers is about to fall to Obama. This from the Wall Street Journal :

"Slowly but steadily, a string of Democratic Party figures is taking Barack Obama's side in the presidential nominating race and raising the pressure on Hillary Clinton to give up.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota is expected to endorse Sen. Obama Monday, according to a Democrat familiar with her plans. Meanwhile, North Carolina's seven Democratic House members are poised to endorse Sen. Obama as a group -- just one has so far -- before that state's May 6 primary, several Democrats say.

Who would have guessed that sending intimidatory letters to the Democratic leadership and threatening to tear the party in two unless she got her own way would have elicited such a response?

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